Friday, January 7, 2011

Obsession Worthy - Good deeds and random acts of kindness

I came upon the amazing blog world just a little over a year ago.
I am smitten and obsessed.  And thus, have two blogs of my own to show for it.

In my blog obsession I have found beautiful design blogs.  Unbelievable craft blogs.  
Breathtaking photography blogs.  And my favorite, delicious food blogs.

I have many favorites. 
I follow these favorite bloggers almost daily.  And I have been impressed and inspired by so many.

Today, however, I was greeted with such beauty and kindness, I could not not share.
Katherine, of Katherine Marie Photography, is simply amazing.

Her most recent post has confirmed in me (again) that amazing, thoughtful and creative people reside everywhere.  We can be touched daily by beauty and kindness.  But more importantly, we can express and deliver goodness and kindness daily.  Let's begin today.

Fifty-two weeks of absolute goodness.
A new year's resolve to bring a smile to another's face.
Katherine has created a family project for 2011 - A year of Kindness.  The family plans to each week complete an out-of-the-ordinary kind act - for a full year.  This may sound daunting, but she has proved that simple good deeds can be as overwhelmingly appreciated and considerate as something much larger.

I feel one small random act of kindness can be so infectious that it can create an avalanche of goodness! You just have to simply start.

Here are some things that Katherine and her family plan to do:

-deliver homemade Valentine's to a nursing home
-pack plastic gallon bags for the Salvation Army with toothpaste, tooth brush and deodorant 
-put salon kits together (nail polish, remover and nail file) for young girls at a shelter/hospital
-donate blood
-send a box of small toys (bouncy balls, bracelets) to Iraq so soldiers can pass out something to kids while on patrol
-door holding patrol - find a busy place and hold open doors for 15 minutes
-collect canned goods for food pantry
-invite someone, who might be alone, over for a special home-cooked meal
-write a heartfelt note to manager telling him about a friendly employee
-send handmade cards to officers at local police station… signed, a thankful citizen

Some of these good deeds will cost some money.  
Others will cost you nothing more than a little bit of your time.  

In the end, your act of goodness will be priceless when you put a smile on someone else's face.



  1. Isn't she amazing? Truly inspiring.

  2. What a wonderful project. On my to do list each day is the word Serve. I love to check it off each day. I have poor health so I am somewhat limited--but not really. I have had no problem finding small ways to serve each day. I'm sure I receive much more than anyone I serve. That is just the way service works. What a grand thing service is.
